Consulting Services

Business Consulting Services

Provide advisory services to commercial businesses and government authorities in response to competitive market conditions and regulatory compliance issues in the insurance industry.


Strategic Development & Planning

Define strategic objectives and develop operational plans to achieve specific market results in compliance with regulatory requirements.


Market Transactions

Structure risk financing transaction for runoff/restructuring of underwriting portfolios, loss portfolio transfers, and risk securitizations.


Captive Insurance Company Development

Recommend and develop risk financing organizational structure, conduct feasibility study and develop plan of operation, and manage the application and licensing process with the selected regulatory domicile.


Regulatory Compliance

Analyze market information and develop recommendations for policy initiatives and standards implementation to accomplish the following:

  • Review legislative changes aligning state or jurisdictional statutes with federal and/or international standards.
  • Evaluate industry data and consumer or competitor information to evaluate compliance and recommend corrective measures.
  • Develop policy initiatives to clarify regulatory compliance requirements.


Expert Witness

Provide expert report and witness testimony services for clients in the captive insurance and alternative risk transfer (ART) market.

Direct and coordinate the development of all client deliverables, utilizing industry resources and relationships with selected experts as needed to provide comprehensive solutions to the challenges posed by current and emerging competitive market conditions and changing regulatory requirements.


I have had the pleasure of working with Bill on numerous matters over the years in both the private and governmental sectors. He is a creative, effective, and seasoned professional with deep knowledge of captive insurance and other alternative risk transfer solutions, and a knack for achieving tangible results.
I have enjoyed the privilege of knowing and working with Bill for nearly 20 years. Professionally he consistently demonstrates the highest technical and strategic acumen for a wide range of regulatory, reinsurance and captive issues. His engagement in details and his business instincts have served him well. More prominantly, Bill is greatly admired for his professionalism, his always-calm comportment and his dedication to conducting every interaction with integrity. He enjoys a well-deserved reputation in the P&C insurance industry.
Mr. White directed DISB's legislative work to support passage of the Health Benefit Exchange Authority Establishment Act of 2011 and served as an ex-officio member of the DCHealth Benefit Exchange Executive Board during his tenure as DISB Commissioner.. One of his primary responsibilities was developing the regulatory framework for a state-based healthcare exchange to comply with the federal Affordable Care Act. He was unfailingly professional, well-informed, and diligent in his efforts and cooperation. His knowledge of the insurance industry and his commitment as a public servant were critical to our eventual success.